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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Quick Thought

Being brief tonight because I still have work to do, but if anybody reads this and knows of a solution or is inspired (and has the time :p) to make a solution, please please please let me know. Basically I wish there was better support for XMI export and/or source generation for Visio 2003 UML Models because it's a cheaper program I can use at home (I'm not exactly rolling in cash) for projects. Searching around it seams Microsoft has written an Add-In for Visio, but it appears as though the features are a bit lackluster for real usage :'(.

Anyway, I must be off :*

I've also been using SVN a lot lately (free and whatnot :p) and I was really impressed with #develop's TortoiseSVN integration but I wanted to see if I could do the same with Visual Studio (cheaper than relying on VSS or TFS). In the process I've stumbled on AnkhSVN which I haven't been able to test yet, but it seems like a perfect candidate and it is now a stable release. I'll try to post back with my experiences. I'd also like to take a look at GForge's project management capabilities; it seems really useful but I've had some difficulties getting it set up myself (more about GForge another time).



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