The views expressed here forth are a response to an article posted on American Thinker and assuming, like the many comments already visible therein, that it is not rejected during moderation, this will also be viewable there.
Let it be known, first and foremost, that I do not believe either party candidate to be of any *real* value to the citizens of this country. That said, this entire "controversy" is a waste of time; the prerequisites for presidential candidacy are checked in most states, if not all. Additionally, many US citizens maintain citizenship in other countries that do not provide for Dual Citizenship and the United States has not overturned their citizenship. I know people who *work for the US government* that maintain citizenship in Italy, Japan and Egypt personally and, while their citizenship in those countries is not recognized while they're in the United States (meaning they can not seek harbor in an embassy to require extradition for prosecution), this has not nullified their citizenship (in fact the US *only* recognizes their US citizenship). Also, once you are a natural born US citizen the citizenship status or changes of your parents does not affect your own unless it can be proven that they never were US citizens in the first place. Simply put, citizenship gives the US legal system more capability and, as such, they use it whenever convenient. Even if Obama *had* shown a birth certificate to an unfriendly source in person we would still be depending on the words of someone else rather than deciding for ourselves; is it now the responsibility of every political candidate to carry their birth certificate on their person so as to show it to everyone? What happens if/when it gets stolen? I know I don't carry mine with me just to prove I'm a citizen, I just show it to the appropriate government office when they require it and put it back in a safe place.
Additionally, Obama's health records, while not complete and detailed, or no less reliable than the exposure McCain has provided (effectively very limited access by few people for a limited time) and the analysis of these limited views still show Obama to be in significantly higher health. If you're going to require health records, which I completely agree with, require complete disclosure from all candidates.
Molotov also makes bold claims when stating that they released information before "anybody knew," clearly showing exaggeration since they obviously weren't part of the movement and likely had to take their information from somebody. Also, conspiracy is defined as "an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons" amongst other similar derivatives, which this video is (not that I mind, it's important to consider the possibilities of these things, the term has been loaded with a negative "foil hat" image), keeping in mind that a search for "Illuminati" will return results almost entirely consisting of conspiracy theories.
This article serves as nothing more than smoke-screen in an ever-filled political atmosphere through which too many people are depending on the unproven words of "smart people" instead of looking the information up and deciding for themselves. If this is supposed to be published for an "American Thinker" why not *think* before disseminating it?
P.S. McCain has a similar case brought up and, rightly so, both have been dismissed on similar terms. I suppose its only fair to question the citizenship of every candidate, but don't you think the process would have booted them by now?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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